Land Without Limits

Cordy Cox - Full of Heart in Kleena Kleene

The big, wild, open space of Kleena Kleene is the perfect backdrop for Cordy Cox, her family, and their cattle. Working in the cattle industry is tenuous, as its success can be affected by many outside factors, but the health and welfare of their animals always comes first and foremost.

“Everything in the cattle industry depends on something else…the economy, geo-politics, the stock markets…Everything can affect the cattle industry including fires, floods.”

It is a busy, tough lifestyle, but when you love what you do, you appreciate the life that you lead. As a steward of the land, Cordy hopes to continue in a sustainable industry on land in the Chilcotin that remains as pure as it can.

“If you love what you’re doing and love the lifestyle that you live, you are thinking about that when things are…going your way, you’re like ‘man I really love this life.'”