Ethan Stewart - Full of Heart in Nimpo Lake
Nimpo LakeEthan Stewart is one of four sons of Duncan Stewart, owner of Tweedsmuir Air and Stewart’s Lodge in Nimpo Lake, and writing the next chapter of his family’s legacy as a 3rd generation pilot looking to a bright future in the ever-changing Chilcotin.
As a seasonal resident of Nimpo Lake, Ethan is learning to fly in order to recapture the same sense of freedom and wonder his grandfather enjoyed in the air, while exploring the area’s diverse landscapes – from the Chilcotin plateau to the Bella Coola rainforest.
“The one thing I love doing is doing just what makes me feel alive,” says Ethan, “that makes me want to come back for more, makes me want to go out to that mountain and breathe in the fresh air. I find a lot of that in the Chilcotin, that’s for sure.”
“The future is looking bright up here.”